Construction Workplace Safety Training Ltd. Logo

Summer Office Hours, 2023

Summers finally here and we can't wait to get outside to enjoy our time with friends, family, cottaging and relaxing! 

Please kindly note that our office hours on Fridays will become 7:00AM til 12:00PM effective July 1 to September 5, 2023.

Any pre-arranged courses, service agreements, or training booked will not be affected or interrupted. Voicemail and emails will be returned the following business day at our earliest opportunity.

In the event you're calling to report a fatality or critical injury, please email with your name, company and a phone number you can be reached at, and he'll be back in touch with you shortly.

Enjoy your summer! If you drink, don't drive, stay safe and arrive alive! 

-- Most kindly, your administrative team at

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