Respirator Fit Testing

Construction Workplace Safety Training Limited offers Qualitative Fit Testing either at CWST or at client location. The price is $75pp for the initial fit test, and $25 for each mask to be fitted afterwards.
We recommend fit testing be completed annually as part of your WHMIS Training program as our physiology changes and may influence proper fit.
The estimated time for fit testing is 15 to 30 minutes per person, per mask, 2 participants may be tested at the same time.
Alternatively, this exercise pairs well with an additional half day WHMIS GHS course or as an additional upgrade to a Confined Space Course where workers may be required to wear a half or full-face respirator. Qualitative Fit Testing will follow the classroom portion.
Most employers offering respiratory protection aren't knowledgeable in the differences between respirators, cartridges, disposable products, and levels of protection provided by each. In more dangerous conditions or complex work environments, this increases the opportunity for worker exposure and likeliness of occupational illness. In specific environments, supplied air systems may be required beyond the half face or full face respirator.
Kindly note that Fit Testing for respirators is not able to be performed on unshaven participants, that results of the fit test may be inconclusive where participants consume nicotine products, food, chew gum up to 30 minutes before the test. Hoods and facepiece respirators to be used with supplied air systems used to control industrial hygiene (IH) hazards and designated substances require employers to follow manufacturer specific instructions, and the advice of their qualified IH Consultant.
Not sure if you're exposing your workers to Designated Substances? Start at your SDS!! Look under Section 3 of the SDS and see if the chemicals you're using match any of the 11 designated substances in Ontario. If they do, please call us.
We regret to inform that where COVID19 restrictions are in effect, fit testing may not be possible due to increased opportunity for transmission in hood equipment despite our best effort to sanitize equipment.
Please call us today at 877 -738 - 9178 for more information!!